Personal Injury Law
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Motor Vehicle Accidents
If you are unfortunate enough to suffer injury in a motor vehicle accident as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, motorcyclist or cyclist you may be eligible to claim damages (monetary compensation) for injuries suffered.
- Injuries may be either physical, psychological or both.
- Should the accident result in a death, the surviving parent, spouse or child may also be entitled to claim.
- Strict time limits apply in which to make a claim so obtaining legal advice as soon as possible is important.
Talk to us about our NO WIN NO FEE arrangements.
At settlement, the relevant insurer may also contribute towards an injured party’s legal fees. Recent legislative changes have severely affected entitlements depending upon when the subject accident occurred.
Accidents occurring before 1 July 2013
There are numerous heads of damage under which injured parties can claim including for lost income (past and future), pain and suffering, medical and treatment expenses.
Accidents occurring after 1 July 2013
Put simply, if you are badly injured you will have an entitlement to claim a lump sum of monetary damages whereas those suffering minor injuries will likely not.
For example, to claim for pain & suffering, one’s injuries must equate to at least 10 out of 100 as per the Injury Scale Value table.
Paperwork must be completed & submitted to the relevant insurer in order to allow a claim to be made.
In light of the changes, it is of utmost importance to obtain the right legal advice.
Do not hesitate to Contact Us with your enquiry. You will not be charged to initially meet or speak with us.
Your initial 30 minute personal or telephone consult is free of charge.
What are your business hours?
Our business hours are between 9am-5pm weekdays. We are available outside these hours if urgent matters, such as arrest, arise.
Where are you located?
We have offices in the North East, City and West
How can I contact you?
You can contact us by phone or email at your convenience.
Do you offer fixed fee arrangements?
We do dependent upon your matter.
Do you offer the first interview free?
We offer a first free phone consultation to discuss your matter in order to work out how we may be able to assist you.