Criminal, Police & Traffic Law

Traffic Offence Lawyer Adelaide

Driving & Traffic Offences

When it comes to driving under the influence, there are several specific charges that can be laid, such as:

  • This means you will have given a reading greater than .05%. Even if this is a first-time offence, you will face a loss of licence for at least 3 months. This can be increased to 6 months if your reading was 0.8% or higher and to 12 months if it exceeded 0.15%. Fines will also apply.Drink Driving or exceeding the prescribed concentration of alcohol (PCA)
  • This is a more serious charge than simply drink driving or PCA. It includes being influenced by alcohol and / or a drug and is an offence based on your conduct, behaviour and impairments to faculties. You may have a low blood alcohol reading, but still be affected to the point you cannot drive. It is also possible to be charged with DUI even if the Police did not take an alcohol or drug reading. However, there are a variety of defences that a lawyer can assist you with.Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
  • It is an offence to drive a motor vehicle, or attempt to put a motor vehicle in motion, whilst having prescribed drugs in your system. Upon receiving a positive roadside result, Police have the authority to conduct mandatory full saliva tests or blood tests. If positive readings are confirmed by laboratory analysis, charges can be laid.Drug Driving
  • It is an offence to drive a motor vehicle whilst unlicensed, or with a licence that is suspended or disqualified. The disqualification may have been imposed by the police as a result of a drink or drug driving, driving at an excessive speed, by the court as part of a penalty, or even as a result of having incurred too many demerit points.Drive Disqualified, Suspended or Unlicensed
  • When driving a motor vehicle, you are obliged to do so in a manner that is not negligent, reckless or at an excessive speed. When this behaviour results in a person’s death or injury, you may be charged with Dangerous Driving / Causing Death or Harm, which is a major indictable offence.Dangerous Driving / Causing Death or Harm
  • It is an offence to drive without due care and reasonable consideration for others. This can include. If you are charged with driving without due care, penalties will be dependent on whether the offence was aggravated or not. Speeding / Excessive Speed / Dangerous Speed or Careless Driving

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    Our business hours are between 9am-5pm weekdays. We are available outside these hours if urgent matters, such as arrest, arise.

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    We have offices in the North East, City and West

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    We do dependent upon your matter.

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    We offer a first free phone consultation to discuss your matter in order to work out how we may be able to assist you.

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