Fixed Fees

Most lawyers will provide advice & representation on a time-based billing system, (‘as you go’) where your legal fees accrue as work is undertaken.  A time-based billing system is billing in six-minute intervals. This, of course, can be quite daunting when you might be on the phone to your lawyer watching fees creep up. Based on the experience of the solicitor that you may deal with, they will have a significant understanding of the court environment and the work likely to be required in order to represent you.

Some lawyers albeit, not many, may be prepared to offer you a ‘fixed fee’ depending on the matter.  A fixed fee is an amount that you will be charged up to a certain stage.  As not all matters are the same and varying amounts of work are required, in some instances the fixed fee may be higher or lower than others. Fixed fees provide financial certainty for you as a client regarding your legal fees, alleviating some of the stress that you may encounter when dealing with legal matters. This certainty can go a long way to giving you the right representation at a set cost with no surprises.

Whether you require the assistance of a criminal lawyer, a traffic lawyer, the services of a family lawyer, or someone dealing in personal injury, we can assist you. With offices available with a northeast lawyer, a western suburbs lawyer, an Adelaide lawyer or even a 24 hour lawyer we can assist you at any time. Our office does offer fixed fee arrangements for some matters and you can contact our office on 8263 2400 to discuss if this may be an option for you. We are also happy to accommodate an acceptable payment plan arrangement.

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