Sex Offences

Indecent Assault / Acts of Gross indecency

Indecent Assault / Acts of Gross indecency

A person who acts indecently or who commits an act of gross indecency may be charged with an offence.

Indecent Assault

Here, maximum penalties will differ based on whether the victim is under 14 (aggravated) or not. If aggravated, the maximum penalty will be 10 years  imprisonment.  If the victim is older than 14, the maximum penalty will be 8 years imprisonment

Acts of Gross Indecency

Gross indecency refers to acts that occur in the presence of any person under the age of 16. Consent is not a defence in these scenarios and maximum penalties will differ depending on previous offences:

  • For a first offence of gross indecency, it is 3 years imprisonment.
  • For any subsequent offences of gross indecency, it is 5 years imprisonment.